Tokenomics v2
Token - BEP20 Name: Thoreum v2 ( Thoreum Venture Capital)
Total supply: 18,435,888
Circulating supply: 18,435,888 ( equal to 1/100 the current circulating supply of Thoreum v1)
Liquidity on BSC: equal to V1 Liquidity at the time of upgrade
Liquidity on future blockchains: 1,545,715 Thoreum v2 (this liquidity comes from the locked token in SafeEarn Thunderboost contract on the incident of Aug-10-2021)
Transaction Fee
Buy fee: 13%
4.5% convert to $BUSD and distribute proportionally to holders.
4.5% convert to $BNB, and send to the treasury/buyback wallet. This fund will be bridged to multi-chains (such as Avalanche, Polygon, Fantom, etc.) to invest in the most profitable opportunities.
1.5% convert to Thoreum-BNB LP to add to liquidity.
1.5% send to marketing wallet to pay for marketing, dev, mods, servers, and other cost.
1% burnt / transaction.
Sell fee: 26% = x2 buy fee
So totally for a buy&sell:
12.5% convert to $BUSD and distribute proportionally to holders.
12.5% convert to $BNB, and send to the treasury/buyback wallet. This fund will be bridged to multi-chains (such as Avalanche, Polygon, Fantom, etc.) to invest in the most profitable opportunities.
4.5% convert to Thoreum-BNB LP to add to liquidity.
4.5% send to marketing wallet to pay for marketing, dev, mods, servers, and other cost.
3% burnt.
Wallet transfer: 10%
Last updated
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