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Introducing THOREUM V3
THOREUM has been live for more than 1 year with version 1 and 2. We have demonstrated in that time that these models work well. However, that does not mean there is not still room for improvement.
With that in mind, we are proud to introduce THOREUM V3.
THOREUM V3 strongly prioritizes hyper deflation and passive income.
We have learned a lot from market leaders like Libera and added our own enhancements. The 2 biggest enhancements for THOREUM V3 are
1. Upgradeable: From now on Thoreum can be automatically upgraded without any interruptions of service. In the future, when a great new function that benefit our holders need to be implemented or an old function need to be fixed, you don’t need to swap from Thoreum v3 to Thoreum v4 or wait from an airdrop of v4 from us, your Thoreum v3 token in your wallet will just automatically be come v4 without any hassles.
2. BNB Transcendent: Libera is paired with BUSD and proven to be an only go up token against its paired token (BUSD) thanks to its special tokenomics. We have learned from all the best practices in their code and THOREUM V3 will have the same mechanism to only go up against our choosen paired token: BNB. Thoreum will have a higher chance of jumping in price than LIBERA thanks to its pairing with BNB in the liquidity pool. BNB is in dip and will soon jump up, and so will THOREUM v3.
Seeing that the crypto market is going to be in the next bull cycle, we think that now is the best time for launching THOREUM V3!
In details, let’s go over what’s new:
1. Limited supply, hyper deflationary token that will increase value over time
THOREUM V3 will become more deflationary with the aggressive burn of 25% every sell. This burn will quickly increase THOREUM’s scarcity due to a limited supply of 18.3 million tokens!
And we will see the demand and price of THOREUM V3 sky-rocket when the market is aware of it.
2. Earn passive income from two sources
You stake THOREUM-BNB LP (any period from 14 days to 2 years) in the THOREUM Bank and receive xTHOREUM token as a receipt. (Proportionally, the longer you lock, the more xTHOREUM you will receive. A 2 year lock will give a 1:1 ratio of THOREUM to xTHOREUM conversion)
- By just holding xTHOREUM, you earn passive income everyday:
✅ THOREUM from 7% DEX trading volume
✅ THOREUM-BNB LP from 50% of BNB 3X Miner taxes
- Earn up to 10% commission in THOREUM + 10% commission in THOREUM-BNB LP with 5 Referral Bonus Levels
BNB 3X MINER is the World's first Auto BNB Miner. BNB 3X MINER is set up to passively reward investors 3X of their deposit with 3% BNB a day. Your BNB deposited will be automatically converted to THOREUM-BNB LP and deposited into the miner. When you are ready to withdraw, you can choose to claim your rewards in BNB, and the miner will convert THOREUM-BNB LP reward to BNB for you.
Because THOREUM V3 is a hyper-deflationary token with a special price appreciation mechanism, the value of THOREUM-BNB LP tends to be higher in the long run. Utilizing THOREUM-BNB LP - your earning is potentially higher than 3% a day.
3. Migration
THOREUM V3 migration will all be automated! There is no need to do anything. V2 tokens will be deactivated, and V3 tokens will be airdropped to your wallet. No Fees, No Wallet Connect, and No Price Change.
V3 will be a massive step forward for THOREUM. Details about timeline of upgrades and new features will be out soon, stay tuned Thoreans, together we will make THOREUM great a gain!